What are Keyless Locks and how to use them? how are they beneficial and what are the cost involved?

Keyless locks, as the name suggests, are locks that do not require a physical key to unlock. Instead, they use alternative methods such as keypads, biometric scanners, or Bluetooth technology to grant access. In this article, we will explore what keyless locks are, how to use them, their benefits, and the cost involved.

What are Keyless Locks?

Keyless locks are locks that operate without a traditional physical key. Instead, they use a variety of methods to grant access, including keypads, biometric scanners, and Bluetooth technology. Keyless locks can be used for both residential and commercial purposes.

How to Use Keyless Locks

The method of using a keyless lock will vary depending on the type of lock. However, the general process is as follows:

  • Enter the code or scan your biometrics: For keypad and biometric locks, you will need to enter a code or scan your biometrics, such as your fingerprint or facial recognition.
  • Wait for confirmation: After entering the code or scanning your biometrics, wait for confirmation that the lock has been released.
  • Open the door: Once the lock has been released, open the door and enter the premises.

Benefits of Keyless Locks

Keyless locks offer several benefits over traditional locks, including:

  • Convenience: Keyless locks eliminate the need for physical keys, making it more convenient to access a property. You don’t have to worry about losing your keys or fumbling with a keyring.
  • Security: Keyless locks are more secure than traditional locks because they are harder to pick or tamper with. They also provide an audit trail of who has accessed the property and at what time.
  • Customizable: Keyless locks can be customized to fit the specific needs of a business or residence. They can be configured to work with a variety of access control systems, such as biometric identification or keycards.
  • Energy Efficiency: Some keyless locks come with energy-saving features, such as automatic locking after a set amount of time. This can help to reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills.

Cost of Keyless Locks

The cost of keyless locks can vary depending on the type of lock and the level of security required. Basic models start at around $50, while more advanced models can cost upwards of $500 or more. The cost of installation will also vary depending on the complexity of the lock and the labor involved.

It is important to consider the cost of maintenance when choosing a keyless lock. Some keyless locks may require regular battery replacements or software updates, which can add to the overall cost of ownership.


Keyless locks provide a convenient and secure way to access a property without the need for physical keys. They offer a range of benefits, including convenience, security, customizability, and energy efficiency. The cost of keyless locks can vary, but they are generally a worthwhile investment for businesses and residences that require a high level of security and convenience. It is important to consider the cost of installation and maintenance when choosing a keyless lock, and to ensure that the lock is properly configured to provide maximum security benefits.