What are Combination Locks and how to use them? how are they beneficial and what are the cost involved?

Combination locks are a type of lock that uses a code, or combination, to secure a door or other access point. In this article, we will explore what combination locks are, how to use them, their benefits, and the cost involved.

What are Combination Locks?

Combination locks use a series of numbers or letters to create a code that must be entered in order to unlock the lock. The code can be changed at any time, making it a flexible and customizable option for securing doors, lockers, or other access points.

How to Use Combination Locks

To use a combination lock, first, you must set the code. This is typically done by turning the dials or buttons on the lock until the desired code is reached. Once the code is set, the lock is ready to use.

To unlock the lock, simply turn the dials or buttons to match the code. Once the correct code is entered, the lock will release and the door or access point can be opened.

Benefits of Combination Locks

Combination locks offer several benefits over traditional locks, including:

  • Customizable Security: Combination locks can be customized with a unique code, making it difficult for unauthorized users to gain access. The code can be changed at any time, providing an added layer of security.
  • No Keys: Combination locks do not require a key, making them a convenient option for people who frequently lose their keys. This also eliminates the risk of keys being stolen or copied.
  • Durable: Combination locks are durable and require little maintenance. They can withstand harsh weather conditions and heavy use without becoming damaged.
  • Flexible: Combination locks can be used on a variety of access points, including doors, lockers, and safes. They can also be used in both residential and commercial settings.
  • Easy to Use: Combination locks are easy to use and require no special training. They can be used by people of all ages and abilities.

Cost of Combination Locks

The cost of combination locks can vary depending on the size and strength of the lock. Basic models start at around $10, while more advanced models can cost upwards of $50.

It is important to note that while combination locks may have a lower upfront cost than other types of locks, they may not provide the same level of security. Combination locks can be vulnerable to cracking or guessing, especially if the code is easy to guess. It is important to choose a strong and unique code to ensure maximum security.


Combination locks offer a customizable and convenient option for securing doors, lockers, and other access points. They can be easily customized with a unique code and do not require a key, making them a flexible and durable option. Combination locks are also easy to use and require little maintenance. While the cost of combination locks can vary, they are generally an affordable option. However, it is important to choose a strong and unique code to ensure maximum security.